Introduction to Doctor of Business Administration

The Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) is a professional practice doctorate and is concerned with researching real business and managerial issues via the critical review and systematic application of appropriate theories and research to professional practice. This program will help candidates develop proficiency in applied research by improving their methodological and analytical skills. Participants who successfully complete the program will be equipped for top-level positions in numerous sectors including business/public administration, consulting and higher education.

The Doctor of Business Administration program offers a state of-the-art curriculum delivered by experienced, highly qualified professors. Our students are one of the program's greatest strengths. Typical DBA students come from successful careers in top positions in the private, nonprofit, and government sectors. They bring their experiences and knowledge to the classroom and, in turn, demand incisive instruction and intelligent, well-developed classroom discussions. For the dissertation, students conduct original research on a topic of current importance and personal interest.


Learning Goals and Learning Objectives

LG1. Students are able to demonstrate advanced general knowledge in business management, field specific knowledge and thematic knowledge.

LG1.1 Students are able to demonstrate advanced general knowledge in business and management. 

LG1.2 Students are able to demonstrate advanced thematic theoretical and conceptual knowledge and business management practices in their areas of specialization.   

LG2. Students are able to identify and find solution to current business management problems by applying a range of research methods

LG2.1 Students are able to critically evaluate business research studies on business management to identify problems or opportunities in their field of practice. 

LG2.2 Students demonstrate skills of appropriate research design to solve current business management problems or provide solution to improve the effective handing of business management problems.

LG2.3 Students demonstrate advanced analysis, interpretation and evaluation skills in applying quantitative and qualitative research methods in solving business management problems.

LG3. Students demonstrate effective managerial leadership skills and academic communication skills. 

LG3.1 Students demonstrate effective managerial leadership skills relating to business management.

LG3.2 Students demonstrate effectively present their research work relating to business management in an organized and logical manner.

LG3.3 Students demonstrate advanced academic writing skills to prepare scholarly work for recognized publication.

LG4. Students will demonstrate strong awareness of academic ethics and social responsibility.

LG4.1 Students demonstrate strong awareness and practice of high standards of academic integrity and research ethics, including the production of high quality research.

LG4.2 Students demonstrate strong awareness of social responsibility in respect of research and publication.

LG4.3 Students are able to appropriately handle ethical and social responsibility issues in business decision making, leadership and management.

LG5. Demonstrate global and multicultural perspectives.

LG5.1 Students understand, appreciate, respect and/or work well with other cultures and international diversity.

LG5.2 Students demonstrate good understanding of globalization of business and economy, mastery of the latest international business and management trends in their specialized field.