Core Courses

MBFZ02 Corporate Finance (3 credits)

This course will systematically introduce the basic theory of finance and its applications at the corporate level, including companies' financing decisions, investment decisions and dividend policy-making and other activities in the financial market. Through study, students can improve their understanding on capital activities in the financial markets so as to prepare themselves for further in-depth study in finance.

MBFZ03 Financial Statistics and Econometrics (3 credits)

The course will cover MLR model, VAR model, ARIMA model and simultaneous equations model. Application methods on statistical software EViews will also be introduced. Students will be able to establish regression model, to conduct empirical analysis on cross-sectional, time-series and panel data using statistical software EViews; and to understand and apply the regression result from the computer.

MBFZ04 Financial Economics (3 credits)

The course will discuss the central theme of micro-finance, including the personal investment decision-making under uncertainty, stochastic dominance, mean-variance theory, capital market equilibrium and asset pricing, arbitrage pricing theory, option pricing, as well as the application of these themes.

MBFZ05 Research Methodology (3 credits)

The objective of the course is to provide students with necessary research methods in understanding and writing financial reports and paper. Econometric approach is mainly used to do financial research.

MBFZ06 Financial Accounting and Report (3 credits)

This course focuses on how to provide external users of financial statements and business enterprises with relevant and credible financial information. The course highlights the measurement of accounting assets, debt, equity, and income, such as: cash, accounts receivable, tangible assets, and intangible assets. The course also includes important topics such as the establishment of accounting standards, the conceptual framework of financial accounting, accounting cycles, financial statements, and discussion of accounting measurement methods. In the meantime, in the investment section, it will cover advanced financial accounting topics such as report consolidation.

Elective Courses

MBFE01 Business Ethics (3 credits)

Through the systematic study of the theoretical basis for business ethics, ethical issues in the process of commercial circulation and in business management, and corporate ethical construction, students will understand the basic principles and knowledge of business ethics, have a good command of frontier development of business ethics theory, recognize the importance of business ethics in business activities, and analyze the basic operation of business ethics according to various cases.

MBFE03 Investment and Securities Management (3 credits)

This course firstly introduces the basic principles of the investment environment, the main functions of financial markets, the types of securities traded in these markets and how they are traded. It then provides in-depth stock and investment analysis. The core of this course includes risk and return, modern portfolio, investor’s risk preference, asset allocation and portfolio optimization. Students should learn to analyze investment portfolio thought specific examples.

MBFE04 Financial Risk Management (3 credits)

The course covers modern techniques for different types of financial risks (market risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, operational risk), such as duration, portfolio beta, factor sensitivities, gap, duration gap, and value at risk. It also discusses how risk measurement tools can be used for active management of the risk/return profile of financial institutions, and how to use financial regulation to enhance financial stability.

MBFE05 Fixed Income Securities (3 credits)

The course systematically introduces the basic concepts and principle of fixed-income security market, which is the largest financial market. The focus is on valuation models and risk factors of fixed income securities, as well as the specific methods and techniques to manage these issues. The main contents include, introduction of fixed income security market, definition of various types of fixed income securities, their characteristics, valuation method and investment risk analysis, term structure of interest rates and using fixed income securities to assist risk management.

MBFE07 Corporate Governance (3 credits)

This course mainly introduces the basic theories and dominant methods on corporate governance, including internal governance mechanisms (i.e. ownership structure and shareholders, board of directors and senior management incentives) and external governance mechanisms (i.e. capital markets and M&A, product market and competition, legal environment and government regulation, relevance and Integration of corporate governance mechanisms), as well as the sources of law, corporate finance and corporate governance. The course will also discuss centralized ownership structure and corporate governance innovation, commercial bank governance, group governance, TNCs governance, etc.

MBFE08 Real Estate Finance (3 credits)

This course covers fundamental knowledge of real estate finance, including the operation and collateral of mortgage loans, the secondary markets of secured loan, construction loan, consumer loan, housing accumulation fund loan and real estate mortgage loan. Insurance on mortgage risk is also introduced.

MBFE09 Financial Markets and Institutions (3 credits)

Along the main line of financial markets’ development, this course introduces the main participants in financial market, especially the financial institutions. In this course, the students need to understand the classification of financial markets, the function of commercial banks, non-bank financial institutions and central banks. The students also need to master the financial pricing theories and models. It is also required to list and identify the main functions of money market, capital markets and foreign exchange market, which are included in this course. There is also a requirement for students to understand the business structure of deposit-type financial institutions, commercial banks and investment banks, as well as the regulations of Basel Accords.

MBFE17 Financial Derivative (3 credits)

The course introduces the basic principle of financial engineering, including no-arbitrage equilibrium model on intrinsic value. It also covers the definition, valuation principle and transaction strategy on derivatives such as forward, future, swap and option. The course attaches great importance to students’ skill in using software to do case valuation and analysis, in trading derivatives and in basic risk management such as hedging with derivatives.

MBFE18 Behavioral Finance (3 credits)

The main objective of this course is to introduce the findings of current behavioral finance and their impact on neoclassical financial theory. Its specific content includes bounded rationality, decision-making behavior under uncertainty, heuristic bias, outlook theory, time preference, emotion and investment behavior, social preference, and neuroeconomics.

MBFE19 Fin Tech (3 credits)

Subjects responding to changes in new areas of finance. Such as fintech, financial big data, blockchain finance, etc.

MBFE20 Financial Regulation (3 credits)

This course focuses on the financial regulatory system; the supervision of various sub-sectors of the financial industry (banking, securities, and insurance); the analysis of the balance between financial regulation, the promotion of financial innovation and financial risk prevention; and other regulatory initiatives and international cooperation in financial regulation.

MBFE21 Special Topic in Finance (3 credits)

It includes subjects that introduce the development of finance, the focus of debate and theoretical frontiers of finance. It will introduce and analyze important financial events, and to interpret them with financial theories and methods.