Introduction to Bachelor of Applied Economics

(Students admitted before academic year 2019/2020, please refer to the rules and regulations as stipulated in the intake academic year study plan.)

Applied Economics belongs to the social science category which is based on the economic theory. It mainly involves the applications of economic theory and econometrics in diverse industries.

With the rapid economic growth in Macau, all sectors of Macau society have been more and more interested in the economic issues. The launch of BAE program means one more choice of specialization to pursue for the local high school graduates, means more qualified graduates in economics to be produced for Macau society, and means a supportive tactic to tackle the talent shortage caused by the leapfrogging of the local economy.

The time-limit of this curriculum is four school years basically and it carries on by English and Chinese during Year One and Year Two, all students must take foundation and core courses (68 credits), elective courses (24 credits) and courses from general education (42 credits). The student may go through website for further understanding.