Quality Master Programme Offers Received by Supply Chain Management Students from World Famous Universities in 2023

As time flies, the graduates of Supply Chain Management in 2023 have successfully graduated, and most of them will continue to pursue further education. Many of them have been admitted to prestigious universities around the world with excellent grades and will continue to pursue their master's/doctoral degrees. These schools include: National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, Washington University in St. Louis, Florida University, Case Western Reserve University, Bristol University, Glasgow University, Cranfield University, Manchester University, Warwick University, Glasgow University, Southampton University, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Warwick University, Bristol University, Melbourne University, Sydney University, Warwick University University of Bristol, University of Southampton, Durham University, University of Leeds, etc. The following are graduation speeches delivered by several student representatives.

Name: Sun Xinyang

Major: Supply Chain Management

Offer Admission: National University of Singapore, Nanyang Polytechnic University, Washington University in St. Louis, Florida University, Case Western Reserve University, Bristol University, Glasgow University, and Cranfield University.

Graduation Speech: Four years in MUST is a very important and cherished time in my life. Business school provides us with the opportunity and resources to train ourselves and plan for the future, and has never limited my development and growth in every aspect. In the college, I met many mentors who helped me develop my life, and also gained a group of excellent friends. I am very fortunate to have made this journey with the university. In the future, I will continue to work hard, improve myself and strive to move forward. I wish my Alma mater continued development and progress in the future, and wish the school of Business a rapid progress and better results.


Major: Supply Chain Management

Offer Admission: National University of Singapore, University of Manchester, University of Warwick, University of Glasgow, University of Southampton

Graduation Speech: Time flows like a stream and the years are never-ending. I am grateful for the teaching resources and the various campus activities provided by MUST. These four years have been incredibly happy and fulfilling. We met and said goodbye, returned to the sail and offshore. I would like to thank all the teachers and friends I have met along the way. Lastly, I wish the younger students a bright future.

Name: Zhang Shuo

Major: Supply Chain Management

Offer Admission: Hong Kong Polytechnic University, University of Warwick, University of Bristol, etc.

Graduation Speech: Today, when I am typing these words, I am still in a trance that four years of time is so fast. In such a hurry that there are still many corners of the school have not been explored; there are many thanks for not being able to say; there are many good things have not been recalled. The last time I walked into the campus, I saw my younger siblings sweating on the playground in their physical education class, and I felt that I had passed through their youth. Under their feet is a promising future, and I will also uphold the school motto of "sincerity and integrity" and walk on with sincerity and determination.

Name: Li Qinlin

Major: Supply Chain Manage

Offer Admission: University of MANCHESTER

Graduation Speech: I am grateful for the warm care and patient guidance of every Business Faculty member, who has imparted countless professional knowledge and, more importantly, everlasting learning approaches and independent thinking skills that will play a vital role in my future development, and I will definitely apply what I have learned to live up to the teachings. In addition, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the friends I have made and worked with at MUST, as we have helped, guided, and inspired each other, and you guys made me feel warm when I was helpless. I would also like to thank my family for their unconditional support and understanding from the beginning to the end. However, everyone can only accompany you for a while. The essence of life is to live alone, to learn to be alone and to pursue your own aspiration. I am thankful for these four years that I have gained critical thinking, which expects us not to follow the herd or deliberately score points off each other, but to objectively evaluate and consider any information from multiple perspectives. Also, we shall not take every day for granted, but shall appreciate and cherish every day that comes to us, treat everyone and everything around seriously, and seize the day. There is no need to worry because “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are going to get”. Don't be shackled by the obstacles in your mind. Everyone has his or her own journey, so we do not have to jump on the bandwagon, and all we have to do is think, explore, and try all possibilities. Every moment of choice paves the way for the people and things to come. Don't be anxious about the beginning, and don't be afraid of the end. Life is like a circle, and the end is also the beginning. Our commencement right now is the start of our futures. May all of you have good health and happiness! May my alma mater be filled with people of talent!