Quality Master Programme Offers Received by Business Analytics Students from World Famous Universities in 2023

Introduction: Time flies, and the graduates of the Business Analysis program in 2023 have successfully graduated. Most students will continue to pursue further education, and many of them have been admitted to prestigious universities around the world with excellent results. They will continue to pursue their master's/doctoral degrees. These schools include Columbia University, National University of Singapore, Johns Hopkins University, New York University, Georgetown University, Boston University, University of Melbourne, University College London, Warwick University, Bristol University, and others. The following are graduation speeches delivered by several student representatives.


Name: Chi Zhenghai

Major: Business Analytics

Offer Admission: National University of Singapore (Direct Ph.D. with full scholarship)

Graduation testimonial: In my quest for knowledge at MUST, my desire to earn a Ph.D. came naturally and gradually, and my resolution cannot be deterred. My initial fortuitous inspiration drove the completion of research via extensive interactions with my supervisors at MUST. My incipient curiosity and interest drove me to finally comprehend my mission of innovation as an incoming Ph.D. student. Early days when I forged on the way to apply for the Ph.D. once left me with dismay. However, I appreciated this anguish, a blessing in disguise that rendered the implicit unwavering support clear and lively. I would express my heartfelt gratitude to my friends and thank you for always being there for me, whether offering a listening ear or providing advice. Your patience, understanding, and wisdom have helped me persist through my toughest challenges. I am indebted to all professors, especially my bachelor’s supervisors, Dr. Chun Lu and Dr. Honghao Zhao. Your expertise, knowledge, and passion have inspired me to be a pioneering scholar and emulate excellence in everything I do. As I move forward, I will carry with me the memories of the wonderful moments we have created together. Thank you for making my journey much more meaningful and enjoyable.

Name: Qin Zhizhen

Major: Business Analytics

Offer Admission: Johns Hopkins University, New York University, Georgetown University, Boston University, Melbourne University, etc.

Graduation speech: Time flies, four years of college time has come to an end. I would like to thank my classmates for growing up with me, my family for supporting me and encouraging me, and professors for not only imparting us with knowledge and skills, but also fostering our business mindset and innovation so that we can excel in our future careers. Besides, I would also like to thank myself. Thanks to my perseverance and hard work during these four years, I have been able to complete my studies successfully. Although the future is full of uncertainties and challenges, I believe that MUST and we can both go further on our own paths.

Name: Yuan Weimeng

Major: Business Analytics

Offer Admission: Columbia University,Johns Hopkins University, Melbourne University,

Graduation speech: I can’t be more grateful to the MUST faculty, the comprehensive education that I have received, nice and intelligent classmates, inspiring activities and resources, and wonderful exposure to diverse cultures. I genuinely convey my honest respect to all these memorable experiences and caring people I have met on campus. Four years’ undergraduate life in MUST not only empowers me and enlarges my comfort zone a lot, but also enrich my mind and keep me curious about all the unknown universe.

As Thomas Jefferson put it, “If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.” In MUST, I have grown up step by step, embrace all the ups and downs bit by bit, know myself deeper as a person day by day, and cherish the vitality of life throughout my journey. 

I truly believe: graduation isn’t the end of a tough journey, but the beginning of a beautiful one. Both happiness and sorrow, gathering and leaving, make up a wonderful and meaning life. I will be always youthful, always weeping, warm and lifted, tough and chill.

At the approach of leaving campus, best wishes to MUST and all the people here!

Name: Qin Rui

Major: Business Analytics

Offer Admission: National University of Singapore

Graduation speech: The time I spent at Macau University of Science and Technology was like sand in my fingers, passing by in a flash. Looking back on the past four years, I am grateful for the rich teaching resources provided by MUST, which enabled me to swim in the ocean of knowledge; I am grateful for the mentors and friends I have made, as well as the help and encouragement they have given me in my studies and life; I am grateful for the activities organized by MUST after school, which enabled me to explore the meaning of practice in addition to theoretical studies. During these four years, I have grown from ignorance to independence, thanks to the companionship and teaching of MUST. As I bid farewell to MUST and embark on a new journey, I will continue to carry the good memories of my alma mater with me and live up to my dreams. I also wish my alma mater a prosperous future and a brighter future!

Name: Huang Juntao

Major: Business Analytics

Offer Admission: University College London, National University of Singapore, Warwick University, Bristol University, etc

Graduation Speech: In my whole life experience, studying at MUST has been essential and meaningful for me. My four years at MUST strengthened my understanding of business knowledge and developed my attitude to inspire myself and constantly explore my potential. Critical thinking, knowing black from white, and continually adjusting the personal development path are vital lessons I have learned from MUST. I sincerely thank the business school teachers I met for teaching me how to learn and improve myself independently. Thank you to the students I know who enriched my campus life. Thank you to MUST for playing an essential role in my life's journey. Finally, I wish the teachers and students a bright and prosperous future. My alma mater will prosper year by year and build on the progress we've made.

Name: Zhang Wenchu

Major: Business Analytics

Offer Admission: National University of Singapore

Graduation speech: Four years of undergraduate study have come to an end now and we are about to have a different tomorrow. Looking back, I have become much more mature compared to the ignorant teenager in my freshman year. Along this wonderful journey, I have too many thanks to express: thanks to my Alma mater, Macao University of Science and Technology, for allowing me to enjoy the pleasure of acquiring knowledge in an inclusive and open learning platform, and for opening a window for me to further my study in a world famous university; Thanks to my professional teachers, for your careful guidance for me and pointing out the direction to a brighter future; Thanks to all the friends around me, for your kind happiness sharing moment, and for your patient listen to my complaint; Thanks to my parents, for standing behind me no matter I am good enough. I will always miss this place: the moment when the lights went off in the library, the sunset glow on the playground after dinner, the night I spent for the final week, the crowd surging in the cafeteria and the aroma of food. Goodbye, Macau University of Science and Technology, may you create greater glories in the future!