Professor Lin Zhijun Participated in Academic Activities of the GBA University Alliance for Accounting

On June 3rd, Professor Lin Zhijun, Director of the Macau Accounting Research Center and a professor at the School of Business, participated in the "Second Intelligent Accounting Teaching Seminar" organized by the Greater Bay Area University Alliance for Accounting and hosted by Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. He was invited to deliver a keynote speech on "Challenges and Responses to Technological Innovation and Digital Transformation", introducing the economic and social development in the advancement of the digitization and intelligence brought by new information technology and the impact and challenges on business operation modes and management methods. He also discussed the issues that need to be considered and resolved in the transformation of accounting and financial management practices in the context of digital development in business management. He specifically emphasized the necessity of strengthening digital knowledge and skills in accounting education and professional talent training, and presented feasible goals and methods for intelligent accounting teaching practices. The speech has been strongly and positive received by the seminar attendees.

In addition, Professor Lin invited by the School of Accounting of Guangdong University of Finance and Economics on June 2, to participate in the "Celebrity Academic Lectures" on the 40th anniversary of the University. He presented a lecture on "Enterprise Strategic Quality Cost Management System and Application" and had academic exchanges with the university's leaders, faculty, and students.