Renowned Accounting Scholar Professor James A. Ohlson Presents on Seminar "Empirical Research: Making it Credible" at M.U.S.T.

On the afternoon of February 26, 2024, the School of Business of Macau University of Science and Technology successfully hosted a seminar in the O702 auditorium. We invited renowned accounting scholar Professor Ohlson to deliver a keynote lecture titled “Empirical Research: Making it Credible.” It aims to share the latest empirical research methods and enhance students’ interest in empirical research.

The lecture primarily focused on the effective utilization of simple and clear methods for data analysis, avoiding blind spots in the analysis process, and enhancing the credibility of research. The event attracted more than 100 faculty members and students, and after the conference, many took advantage of this opportunity to engage in fruitful discussions with Professor Ohlson.

Professor Ohlson has worked at Stanford, Columbia, and other prestigious universities. As a distinguished member of the Accounting Hall of Fame, he has published over 100 papers in top-tier journals, making significant contributions to the fields of accounting and finance.

Vice Dean of MSB, Prof. Chan, Tung Sun (Felix) (right)

presented the souvenir to Prof. Ohlson (left)

Prof. Ohlson presented his keynote speech in M.U.S.T.

Group photo from the seminar