Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management Chair Professor Zhang Xiao Quan Presents on Seminar "AI and the Future Financial Markets " at M.U.S.T.

On the afternoon of January 26, 2024, the School of Business of Macau University of Science and Technology successfully hosted a seminar titled "AI and the Future Financial Markets" in the N101 auditorium. The seminar, organized by the School of Business (MSB) of M.U.S.T. and Macau Institute of Fintech Innovation, with support from the Bank of China Macau Branch, aimed to deepen the understanding of AI applications and future trends in financial markets among Macau financial practitioners, and to discuss how to effectively use AI to drive innovation and progress in both Macau's and the global financial markets, enhancing the competitiveness and influence of Macau's financial industry. Distinguished guests in attendance included Dr. Liu Chak Wan, Chancellor of MUST; Professor Pang Chuan, Vice President; Ms. Su Hsiang Mei, Member of University Council; The Irwin and Joan Jacobs Chair Professor Zhang Xiao Quan, the School of Economics and Management at Tsinghua University; Mr. Zhang Wei Chun, President of Chongwa (Macau) Financial Asset Exchange Co., Ltd.; Mr. Leung Sio Hong, General Manager of Private Banking and Channel Management at Bank of China Macau Branch; Mr. Peng Zhi Ge, Director of Wealth Management and Private Banking at Bank of China Macau Branch; Mr. Gong Guang Qing, Deputy CEO of ICBC (Macau); Mr. Liao Zhi Jiang, General Manager of Financial Technology Department of ICBC (Macau); Ms. Du Miao Miao, President of Macau Development Bank; Mr. Sam Ka Leung, Director of Financial Technology Business; Professor Sheng Ni, Dean of MSB at MUST; Chair Professor Francis T Lui; MSB Professor Lin Zhi Jun , Senior Advisor to the President, Director of the Accounting Research Center; Professor Chan Tung Sun, Vice Dean of MSB; Professor Tang Hua Jun, Assistant Dean of MSB; Associate Professor Lin Yong Jia, Head of the Department of Accounting and Finance; Associate Professor Li Xin, Head of the Department of Decision Sciences, among others. The seminar attracted over 300 participants, including experts, scholars from the financial industry, faculty, and students of M.U.S.T.

During his speech, Vice President Pang Chuan warmly welcomed the participation of experts, scholars, and representatives from the financial industry, emphasizing the crucial role of new technologies in the future development of Macau's finance sector, and their close connection to the Macau SAR government's strategy for moderate diversification. He expressed his anticipation that this exchange would foster innovation and transformation in Macau's financial industry and provide participants with new perspectives on understanding financial markets. The keynote speech, delivered by The Irwin and Joan Jacobs Chair Professor Zhang Xiao Quan of the School of Economics and Management at Tsinghua University, was titled "Several Upgrades in Financial Market Thinking: From Uncertainty to the Quantitative Exploration of Certainty." Professor Zhang shared his insight on the current state of quantitative investment, informatization, and related academic research. His speech explored the applications of AI in financial markets and its impact on the future development of finance and elaborated on the opportunities and challenges of applying AI in practice.

The panel discussion was chaired by Professor Lin Zhi Jun. The topic was "How FinTech Can Assist Macau's Traditional Financial Industry to Break Through." In addition to The Irwin and Joan Jacobs Chair Professor Zhang Xiao Quan, the panel discussion included Mr. Gong Guang Qing, Deputy CEO of ICBC (Macau); Mr. Peng Zhi Ge, Director of Wealth Management and Private Banking at Bank of China Macau Branch; and Mr. Sam Ka Leung, Director of Financial Technology Business at Macau Development Bank. The guests shared their views on the development of financial technology and provided valuable insights on how to leverage AI technology to innovate and transform Macau's financial industry.

The seminar concluded with an enthusiastic Q&A session featuring a lively atmosphere. The participants, including students and faculty from MUST, gained a deeper understanding of the potential and challenges of AI in financial markets.

Group Photo from the Opening Ceremony of "AI and the Future Financial Markets" seminar

Vice President Pang Chuan presented the souvenirs to the speakers

From left to right:Sam Ka Leung, Gong Guang Qing, Pang Chuan, Zhang Xiao Quan, Peng Zhi Ge

The Guests exchanged ideas during the panel discussion

The Irwin and Joan Jacobs Chair Professor Zhang Xiao Quan delivered a keynote speech

Students actively asked questions during the Q&A section