《Contemporary Accounting Review》2023 international academic conference was successfully held at the Macau University of Science and Technology

The School of Business at the Macau University of Science and Technology, the Macao Center for Accounting Studies, the Center for Accounting Studies of Xiamen University, and the Accounting Department of the School of Management at Xiamen University jointly organized the Contemporary Accounting Review 2023 International Academic Conference at the Macau University of Science and Technology (M.U.S.T.) on December 1, 2023. The conference was attended by distinguished guests, including Vice-Chancellor and President of M.U.S.T. Chair Prof. Joseph Hun-wei LEE; Vice President of M.U.S.T. Chair Prof. Jiang Zhi Hong; Vice President and General Secretary of the China Management Science Society Prof. Zhang Xiaodong; Vice President of the Accounting Society of China, Deputy Director of the Teaching Guidance Sub-Committee for Accounting Majors in Higher Education Institutions under the Ministry of Education, and Director of the Accounting Department of Xiamen University Prof. Du Xingqiang; Editor-in-Chief of Contemporary Accounting Review Prof. Liu Feng; Deputy Chairman of the Professional Committee on Government and Non-profit Organization Accounting of the Accounting Society of China, and Chief Professor of the School of Economics and Management at Southeast University Prof. Chen Zhibin; Director of the Macao Center for Accounting Studies at M.U.S.T. Prof. Lin Zhijun; Dean of the School of Business at M.U.S.T. Prof. Sheng Ni; Director of the Department of Accounting and Information Management at the University of Macau Prof. Xiao Zhezhong; Dean of the School of Management Sciences at the Macau Polytechnic University Associate Prof. Huang Guihai; Chairman of the Macau Society of Certified Accountants Mr. Zhang Shaodong; Partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers (Macau) Mr. Li Zhengli, and more than 90 renowned experts and scholars from Xiamen University, Peking University, Sun Yat-sen University, Southeast University, Shandong University, Zhejiang University, Ocean University of China, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, University of Macau, Macau Polytechnic University, and M.U.S.T. attended the academic conference. The conference also attracted the participation of many practitioners. The event was attended by over 300 scholars and students of M.U.S.T.

During the《Contemporary Accounting Review》2023 international academic conference

The theme of this seminar was “Emerging Technological Innovations and the Development of High-Quality Accounting". It aims to explore the impact of technological innovation and sustainable development on academic research and practices in accounting, which holds significant practical and theoretical implications. Meanwhile, by integrating the Call for Papers by the Contemporary Accounting Review, the conference provided an important platform for scholars from both domestic and international communities to represent their research papers.

Vice President of the Accounting Society of China and
Director of the Accounting Department of Xiamen
University Prof. Du Xingqiang delivered the opening speech

Dean of the School of Business of M.U.S.T.
Prof. Sheng Ni delivered the opening speech

Prof. Liu Feng, the Editor-in-Chief of Contemporary Accounting Review, hosted the conference. Vice President of the Accounting Society of China and Director of the Accounting Department of Xiamen University Prof. Du Xingqiang, and Dean of MSB at M.U.S.T. Prof. Sheng Ni delivered opening speeches consecutively. Subsequently, four experts delivered fascinating keynote presentations. Prof. Yang Xiaoguang from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences gave a talk on "The Dynamics and Regulation of the Digital Economy." He first introduced the important role of digital technologies in enhancing market transactions and empowering production, then provided profound insights into the internal mechanisms of the digital economy and discussed the risks and governance of the digital economy. Prof. Tang Qingliang from Western Sydney University focused on the transition from voluntary to mandatory climate-related disclosure, with emphasis on Australia's development experience and methods to adapt to the development of carbon accounting under the transformation of climate disclosure. Based on his research experience, Prof. Ning Zhang from Queen's University, comprehensively reviewed the impact of big data on accounting and indicated the research direction of utilizing emerging technologies such as big data to enhance the value of accounting information. Lastly, Dr. Leng Bing, a council member of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), provided a comprehensive overview of the progress of the ISSB regarding the International Sustainability-related Financial Disclosures Standards (IFRASS1) and the Climate-related Disclosures (IFRSS2), as well as the plans and initiatives formulated by the ISSB to promote these standards.

After a rigorous selection process by external experts, thirty papers were selected for the parallel sessions in the afternoon, where research papers were presented and discussed. The papers closely aligned with the theme of the conference and employed various research methods such as case studies and empirical research. They delved into in-depth research on topics such as "Digitalization and Governance," "State-Owned Enterprise Governance," "Digital Transformation of Enterprises, Governments, and Accounting Firms," and "ESG and Corporate Governance." Reviewers provided constructive feedback and engaged in meaningful discussions with the authors. The parallel sessions achieved positive outcomes. In the subsequent Entrepreneur Forum, four executives from Ping An Bank, Luckin Coffee, Yonyou, and CIMC Group shared valuable experiences from their respective companies' endeavors in deepening digital transformation and promoting ESG practices and innovations. Through practitioners’ perspectives, they provided insights into their processes of implementation and innovation. Finally, the conference concluded with the closing remarks by the Senior Advisor to the President of M.U.S.T. and the Director of the Macao Center for Accounting Studies Prof. Lin Zhijun.

President of M.U.S.T. Chair Prof. Joseph Hun-wei LEE (seventh from left) with the participants

The Accounting Development Research Center of Xiamen University is a key construction base for humanities and social sciences under the Ministry of Education of China. At the same time, the Macao Center for Accounting Studies serves as its overseas cooperative partner. On the morning of December 2, 2023, the two centers will hold a seminar for young researchers to facilitate exchanges and discussions. This seminar further deepens the communication between the accounting theoretical circles in Macao and mainland China, strengthens academic exchanges and cooperation between M.U.S.T. and universities in mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, and enhances the international reputation of accounting education and research for Macao institutes. The profound understanding formed during the conference regarding digital transformation and the high-quality development of accounting will also contribute to the diversification of Macao's economy, strengthen interaction and mutual development between Macao and mainland China, and serve the high-quality development of the Chinese economy.

During the conference