A delegation of South China University of Technology visited the School of Business of M.U.S.T.

Prof. Zhang Weiguo of the School of Business Administration of South China University of Technology and his delegation visited the School of Business (MSB) of M.U.S.T. on November 24, 2023 (Friday). They were warmly welcomed by MSB Dean Sheng Ni, Assistant Dean Tang Huajun, Lin Yongjia from the Department of Accounting and Finance of the School, as well as doctoral students He Pengfei and Huang Yuxin. The schools conducted in-depth discussions on joint training of talents and scientific research cooperation, further strengthening exchanges and cooperation between them.

During the meeting, Dean Sheng thanked Prof. Zhang and his delegation’s visit and introduced the overall development and curriculum of the school in recent years. She also mentioned that MSB had successfully obtained AACSB (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, referred to as AACSB) accreditation in July 2023. It is an important milestone in the development of the school. It is hoped that both schools can give full play to their respective advantages and cultivate more outstanding talents. Prof. Zhang introduced the overall development and program setting of the South China University of Technology and expressed his hope that the two schools can continue to strengthen cooperation.

After the meeting, teachers and students from the two schools conducted in-depth academic research and exchanges. He Pengfei, a doctoral student of MSB, presented the topic of "Joint Pricing and Inventory Decision of Dual-channel Supply Chain under Demand Ambiguity: Based on a Fuzzy Optimization Method ", while the two doctoral students from the South China University of Technology reported on " EUA Return Prediction Using Feature Selection and Markov Chain with Sample Distribution” and Markov chain with sample distribution" and " Asset sell-off, risk contagion and the vulnerability of the money fund industry—evidence based on the Chinese market".

Guests also included: Prof. Liu Yongjun from the School of Business Administration of South China University of Technology, Prof. Zhong Yonghong and Associate Prof. Gu Ren from the School of Economics and Finance, Associate Prof. Luo Jiawen and teacher Ding Yuhao from the School of Business Administration, and three doctoral students Chen Haozhi, Zhao Yuan and Yao Chenan from the School of Business Administration.