The International Academic Conference on "Digital Intelligent Logistics and Supply Chain Management - Digitally Empowering Supply Chain Value Reconstruction to Promote High-Quality Economic Development (DILSCM 2023)" was successfully held in Shenzhen

The International Academic Conference on "Digital Intelligent Logistics and Supply Chain Management was successfully held at Shenzhen Technology University from November 17 to 19. The conference jointly organized by the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Logistics and Supply Chain Innovation Alliance and the Guangdong Provincial Institute of Logistics, aimed to collectively explore the achievements of digital intelligent logistics and supply chain management and their practical applications, digital empowerment of supply chain value reconstruction, and how to promote high-quality economic development and other related issues. Nearly 300 experts, scholars, students, industry representatives, and government leaders from the logistics and supply chain management field at home and abroad, including Academician Zhang Jingzhong from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, attended the conference.

On the morning of Nov 18, the opening ceremony was addressed by Prof. Cao Bingyuan (Chairman of the Guangdong Provincial Institute of Logistics), Prof. Lin Zhijun of the School of Business of Macau University of Science and Technology (Chairman of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Logistics and Supply Chain Innovation Alliance), Prof. Ruan Shuangchen (President of Shenzhen Technology University), Prof. Yi Zelong from Shenzhen University, and Prof. Tang Qiangrong (Vice President of Guangzhou Maritime University). During the conference, experts and scholars including Academician Zhang Jingzhong and Prof. Lu Weisheng, Vice Dean Prof. Chan Tung Sun (Felix) of the School of Business of M.U.S.T., and Prof. Li Zhongfei delivered keynote speeches on "The significant meaning of digital empowerment of supply chain management," "BIM, blockchain, and SCOs for cross-border modular construction logistics and supply chain management," "A feasibility study of sustainable strategy for logistic transportation challenged by the pandemic environment," and "The development of large models - from theory to practice." Moreover, industry representatives from Guangdong Airport Group Logistics Co., Ltd. and JD Logistics Technology shared their reports on "The direction of digital development in air logistics" and "Industrial transformation of smart supply chain and the development of digital talents," respectively. In addition, the experts and scholars also held a roundtable forum on "The theory and practice of digital empowerment of supply chain management."

On the afternoon of the Nov 18, experts and scholars conducted reports and exchanges in eight sub-venues on the theme of "Digitally Empowering Supply Chain Value Reconstruction to Promote High-Quality Economic Development," covering dimensions such as digital intelligent logistics and supply chain management, smart logistics and smart manufacturing, supply chain and big data, exploration and application of cutting-edge technologies, platform operation and optimization, digital logistics theory and system integration, digital empowerment of economic development, and academic journal sharing. Furthermore, an international forum was specially set up to strengthen communication and cooperation among international experts and scholars. On the evening of the Nov 18, all participants attended the award dinner of the conference paper.

On the morning of Nov 19, one of the organizers Shenzhen Technology University organized the participants to visit BYD Company Limited, a leader in new energy vehicles. The participants successively visited the BYD U8, the BYD development history exhibition hall, the Cloud Rail, and the needle-piercing and slicing battery test. All the participants further broadened their horizons and had a fruitful experience during the conference.

Prof. Lin Zhijun, the School of Business of M.U.S.T. (The Chairman of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Logistics and Supply Chain Innovation Alliance) during his speech

Group photo of the conference