The School of Business of M.U.S.T. held the 2023 1st Research Student Conference Promoting the academic research capabilities of teachers and students

Group photo of Chief Operating Officer, Executive Director Mr. Luvisutto with M.U.S.T. management, teachers, and students

Photos of the 1st RS conference

The 2023 1st Research Student Conference was held by the School of Business (MSB) of Macau University of Science and Technology (M.U.S.T.) at 9 a.m. on November 11, 2023, at the Academic Building (Block O) of M.U.S.T. The conference's theme is: "Shape your future beyond the boundaries". It aims to show the charm of research, stimulate enthusiasm for intra-disciplinary academic exchanges, and provide an academic exchange platform for participants to present their research results, to share and exchange their ideas and experiences, and even discuss the challenges and opportunities of research. Attending guests included: Prof. Pang Chuan, Vice President and Dean of the Graduate School of M.U.S.T.; Mr. Frederic Luvisutto, Chief Operating Officer and executive director; Ms. Carmen Ng, Assistant Director of Learning and Advancement of Wynn Macau Limited; MSB Dean and Prof. Sheng Ni; Vice Dean and Prof. Chan Tung Sun Felix, and Mr. Boris Lin, the Chairman of M.U.S.T.2023 1st Research Student Conference 2023, etc. There were over a hundred participants, and the atmosphere was good.

During the opening speech, Vice President Pang expressed his gratitude to all the guests, teachers, and students for their continuous support for this conference. The 2023 1st Research Student Conference provides an effective communication and intra-disciplinary learning platform for teachers and students. He hopes all participants can gain fruitful experiences, and enhance their capabilities of academic research, and wishes the 1st RS conference would be beneficial for MSB to make better achievements in teaching and research, and for M.U.S.T. to reach new heights in academic development.

Mr. Luvisutto shared that good research should pay attention to the following points, including understanding the changing market trends, launching corresponding measures and strategies at the right time in order to respond to the changeable market, etc. He also mentioned the value and potential areas of cooperation between Wynn and research students. Mr. Luvisutto’s sharing is simple but profound and has really benefited both teachers and students.

Mr. Boris Lin sincerely thanked the MSB teachers for their continuous support and guidance and mentioned that the PhD students have achieved today's results with their perseverance and hard work, which is worthy of praise.

Nearly 70 research students of MSB attended the conference and shared their latest distinguished research results covering the fields of Accounting, Economics, Finance, Human Resource Management, Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, and Marketing. Finally, the school selected 5 PhD students with excellent research abstract writing, including Xu Xun, Jia Lin, Fu Xin Xin, Jiang Wei and Huang Yu Xin, and 4 PhD students with outperformed on-site presentation of research work at the conference, including Zhao Chen Yu, Liu Bing Nan, Fu Xin Xin and Gao Jia Lin. awarded them the prizes as a token of encouragement.