A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step 2023/2024 MSB Student Orientation

School of Business (MSB) welcomed nearly 2,350 new students, including about 1,000 undergraduates and about 1,350 postgraduates at 2023/2024 academic year.

The school held new student orientation on September 24, 2023. The undergraduate students attended the orientation in 17 classrooms under the guidance of the class mentors, meanwhile postgraduate students attended online via ZOOM. The faculty members who attended the orientation included: Dean Prof. Sheng Ni, Vice Dean Prof. Chan Tung-Sun, Assistant Deans Prof. Zhang Jing-Hua and Prof. Tang Hua-Jun, Department Heads Prof. Chang Po-Chien, Associate Prof. Li Xin and Associate Prof. Lin Yong-Jia, and the teacher representative Assistant Prof. Chen Yue.

Dean Sheng welcomed all the students for joining the MSB big family. She introduced that MSB is a “PRO” school, where P for professional faculty members, R for responsible students and O for outstanding research. MSB’s professional faculty members come from top-tier universities around the world. They are dedicated to training students’ leadership and creativity, discovering students’ talent and potential, and integrating “business ethics, communication skills and globalization” into the curriculum. They bring innovation and diversity to teaching and research, which will lead MSB to be an innovative, dynamic and influential business school in the region. Dean Sheng wishes the students to be brave explorers in the following study. Prof. Zhang Jing-Hua introduced the school including the curriculum of different majors, the faculty members of the three departments, students’ activities, and the MUST Graduate Attributes. Assistant Prof. Chen Yue, the teacher representative mentioned that the school earned the AACSB accreditation and is among the top 6% of business schools globally. MSB students will be mentored by top-tier teaching faculty with solid academic background and adequate professional experience. Students will be equipped with comprehensive knowledge and capability via diverse and specialized learning processes and will be developed into learned and responsible business talents with maturity, quality character, and international perspectives. He encouraged students to keep learning and self-improving with full effort and diligence. Finally, Prof. Tang Hua-Jun announced the MSB Dean’s list of outstanding students for the 2022/2023 academic year and wished the students to be a great success in their university life.

After the meeting, the university held a lecture on "Learning Methods in University Life" for freshmen. Each class mentor explained the program objectives, learning interests, learning attitudes, study plans, self-evaluation, reading and learning habits, etc., in order to help the freshmen better engage in university life.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. The school wishes students success for their new journey!

Prof. Sheng Ni, Dean of MSB delivered a speech

Assistant Professor Chen Yue, the teacher
representative of MSB delivered a speech

A group photo of MSB faculty members and new students