MSB Student Orientation for the 2024/2025 Academic Year Encouraging Students to Be Proactive Learners and Keep Up with the Times

MSB Student Orientation for the 2024/2025 Academic Year
Encouraging Students to Be Proactive Learners and Keep Up with the Times

The School of Business (MSB) welcomed nearly 2,400 new students for the 2024/2025 academic year, including approximately 1,100 undergraduates and 1,300 postgraduates. To help these newcomers quickly integrate into the MSB family, MSB Student Orientation was held on August 30, 2024 (Friday) afternoon in Lecture Hall D of Macau University of Science and Technology (M.U.S.T.). The event encouraged students to actively seek knowledge, become professional and responsible learners, and keep pace with the changing times. The orientation was divided into undergraduate sessions and postgraduate sessions, which were held simultaneously online and offline, with more than 500 teachers and students participating.

During the event, Dean Sheng Ni warmly welcomed the new students on behalf of all faculty and staff of MSB. She encouraged students to take an active approach to learning, manage their time effectively, demonstrate teamwork, participate in academic activities, and be responsible students. She also highlighted the importance of technology in today’s fast-moving business world, encouraging students to learn new technologies, including artificial intelligence and big data, to stay current.

Assistant Dean Tang Huajun gave a brief introduction to the school, mentioning that the MSB received accreditation from the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) in July 2023, placing it among the top 6% of business schools worldwide. This milestone signifies that the school's development strategy, faculty quality, teaching standards, research outcomes, student training, and social service impact have all met international standards and gained recognition from peers globally. He also provided insights into the postgraduate curriculum, the school's management team, the faculty of the three main departments, diverse teaching methods, and students' achievements in various national and international academic competitions. He encouraged students to continuously enhance their academic capabilities, broaden their horizons, and contribute to society.

Assistant Dean Zhang Jinghua focused on introducing the undergraduate programs, specializations, the undergraduate training system, etc. She emphasized the school's commitment to creating an open, inclusive, and diverse learning environment for students. She wished them growth together during their time here and encouraged them to write their unique, regret-free chapters!

The orientation ended successfully with the teachers singing the University Anthem.

Prof. Sheng Ni, Dean of MSB delivered a speech

Prof. Tang Hua Jun, Assistant Dean of MSB gave a brief introduction to MSB

Assistant Dean Zhang Jinghua introduced the undergraduate programs and specializations

MSB Student Orientation for the 2024/2025 Academic Year