Quality Master Programme Offers Received by BAE Students from World Famous Universities in 2024

Graduates from the Bachelor of Applied Economics in 2024 have completed their studies, and most of them will continue to study a quality master program overseas. Many of them have successfully received offers from many top overseas universities due to their excellent academic results, good communication skills, and strong analytical and problem-solving skills. Offers of postgraduate admissions come from some world-famous universities, including Columbia University, Johns Hopkins University, Emory University, Washington University in St. Louis, Boston University, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), University College London (UCL), King's College London (KCL), University of Manchester, University of Edinburgh, University of Warwick, University of Waterloo, University of Melbourne, University of Hong Kong etc. In addition, some of them also receive stipends and scholarships.


Ma Qiaochu

Offers received: Johns Hopkins University (partial scholarship) and New York University (partial scholarship)

Congregation Moment: The four years of university life in Macao is a time full of challenges and struggles. I remember when I first entered the university, I was confused about the future and did not know how to plan my college life. However, with the help and encouragement of teachers and friends, I gradually found my own direction, worked hard to learn professional knowledge, actively participated in campus activities, and practiced my comprehensive ability. In countless experiences, I have learned how to deal with challenges; In the face of difficulties, I learned to calmly analyze problems and find solutions. I also gradually learned to be my support, and learn to face loss, fear, anxiety... Standing on the threshold of graduation, I do not feel alone, because I have learned to accept myself, to stand up from every "wrong" experience, and let it become the power to nourish myself. Graduation is not the end, but the beginning of the next journey. I hope I will become more and more independent, confident and strong, and I wish you all a bright future and shine in your own field!

Zhao Zhiyi

Offers received: London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), New York University (partial scholarship), Emory University (partial scholarship), University of Manchester, Boston University

Congregation moment: Four years have flown by in the blink of an eye, making me realize how fleeting time can be. As I close this chapter of my undergraduate life, I extend my deepest gratitude to my parents. In addition, I would like to express my sincere thanks to the Macau University of Science and Technology, and the School of Business. I feel privileged to have encountered such distinguished professors and classmates over these four years. Thank you all for the meetings and experiences that have enriched my journey through university. My four-year college experience has enhanced my academic research capabilities and shaped my worldview and values, honed my thinking, and fostered my independence of thought. I have learned much and accomplished much. Transforming knowledge into spiritual and material gains, I step into the next phase of my life with greater confidence and strength. Every challenge has been surmounted, yet the path ahead is still long and bright. It's hard to part ways, but ultimately we all must. I wish us all the fulfillment of our desires and a healthy life. Experience life with all your heart, without the need to enact perfection; the choices we make in the end are always the best ones. Lastly, I wish everyone a life of freedom and romance.

Chang Yuan

Offers received: Columbia University, University of Southern California, University of Melbourne

Congregation Moment: Time flies and waits for no one. The four years of undergraduate study have passed by like a fleeting white horse. During this time, I have experienced growth and transformation, self-reflection, and breakthroughs, which have made me a better version of myself. First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude to the excellent and insightful faculty team of the business school. It is your guidance that has led me to navigate through the ocean of knowledge and see the direction ahead. I would also like to thank my classmates and dear friends. During these four years, we have worked together with all our hearts and minds, reaping the fruits of teamwork and friendship. Furthermore, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my alma mater. It is the outstanding platform provided by my alma mater that has given me the opportunity to see the colorful world and endless possibilities. Finally, let us continue to strive on our respective paths, igniting the light of youth, and bringing even greater glory to our alma mater.

Meng Shixiao

Offers received: Johns Hopkins University, Washington University in St. Louis

Congregation moment: At this moment, I stand at a new key point in my life, bidding farewell to the past four years. I am grateful to the Macau University of Science and Technology for providing me with enough freedom to fully explore myself over these four years. During this university journey, I have not only enriched my professional skills and gradually improved myself, gaining expertise in my field, but I have also received support and help from classmates and professors. I have experienced the sincerest emotions between people and am deeply grateful for all the love I have received. Finally, I wish MUST continue success and development in the future. When we meet again, we will all be better versions of ourselves. Flowers will bloom along the way, and our future paths will be just as beautiful.

Nie Qingpeng 

Offers received: London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), University College London (UCL), King's College London (KCL)

Congregation moment: Time seems to loop and leap. My undergraduate life at Macau University of Science and Technology is coming to an end. Life at MUST is about much, much more than simply studying or attaining a degree. Looking back on the past, I am grateful to MUST for providing us with an excellent learning platform and a diverse international perspective, which has allowed us to improve our learning and cooperation skills and know how to apply economics knowledge to practice. I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to the outstanding teachers and classmates, which made my university life no longer boring and full of challenges and vitality. Finally, I wish all the students of MUST will keep their dreams in mind and go ahead, and I wish MUST a brighter future!

Yang Zikun

Offers received: University of Waterloo (partial scholarship)

Congregation moment: How time flies! Four years of university time passes by in a flash. In this piece of academic paradise of the Macau University of Science and Technology, I have gained a lot. During my time at the university, I not only learned the principles of economics but also how to cooperate with my classmates and deal with the relationship between my studies and my life. In this process, I have gradually clarified my goal and pursued it persistently. As my graduation is approaching, I would like to express my gratitude to all the teachers at the School of Business, as well as my parents and friends who have accompanied me from year to year. It is with your support and encouragement that I have been able to continue to scale new heights and pursue my dreams!

Finally, I sincerely wish that Macau University of Science and Technology will be more and more successful and that all the students will be able to go to their dream schools!

Chen Yingzhou

Offers received: University College London (UCL), The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), King's College London (KCL), University of Warwick, The University of Edinburgh

Congregation moment: Life is like a journey. I am grateful that MUST has become a station for my growth and I have learned a lot here. My four years of university have left me with both painful and wonderful memories. Each experience is priceless to me and helps to shape who I am now. I am grateful to all of my teachers for their meticulous instruction, guidance in opening doors to knowledge, and willingness to allay my worries. I am thankful for my family, who have always supported me, taught me the value of love, and helped me make decisions in life. I am also thankful for the schoolmates who collaborate, let me see the power of a team, trust one another, and grow together. And I give myself credit for persevering and making the effort to stick to my decision. In conclusion, I hope my alma mater can find gifted students and work together to build a bright future, enabling each student to reach new heights and milestones.

Wu Yueran

Offers received: London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)

Congregation Moment: My four-year undergraduate study in MUST is coming to an end unconsciously. For me, it is slightly regrettable, because in my busy study life, it was inevitable to miss some moments of joy and understanding of life. This is also a brand-new starting point, and I will have the opportunity to stand on a higher platform to meet the future life. During my undergraduate study, I am grateful to every professor I have met to preach and receive education, and I am also grateful to the students I have met here to grow together. In particular, I would like to express my sincere thanks to Dr. Tam Kwo Ping and Dr. U Sio Chong for their recommendations on my study and guidance on my career planning. Thanks to my best friend Chang Yuan for his encouragement and help. They have given me the greatest support and encouragement. Finally, I hope that my Alma mater, M.U.S.T., will make further achievements, and all M.U.S.T. students will have a bright future!

Zheng Sirun 

Offers received: London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), University College London (UCL), University of Hong Kong 

Congregation moment: Time flies, we are about to embark on the next journey of our lives. Looking back on my university years, I would like to thank MUST for providing us with an international platform and creating an embracing learning atmosphere, which allows us to discover the unlimited possibilities within ourselves. I also appreciate my teachers for their guidance and selfless support on the way of our study, which makes us more full-fledged. Besides, I am grateful for the mutual encouragement and support from my classmates, they make my university life full and wonderful. I will remember the unforgettable university life, remain true to my original aspirations, and keep moving forward with courage. Finally, I sincerely wish MUST a thriving future, and wish my teachers all the best!

Huang Jiazhong

Offers received: The University of Edinburgh, King's College London (KCL), University of Warwick, Washington University in St. Louis

Congregation moment: I am very glad to receive this honor and I would like to thank everyone who has helped me. Achievement is the testimony of hard work, and today's honor is the result of my efforts for many years. In the future, I will work harder and fight for my dream. This is not a victory that I can achieve alone, but with the help and supports of my family, friends and professors around me. Just as a navigator who needs a compass, I need their support and encouragement on my way to pursue my dreams.

Best wishes to the junior students: you can show your talents and potential in the university, fulfill your dreams, and continue to surpass yourselves. In your future study and life, you can not only maintain your curiosity for knowledge and enthusiasm for life, but also broaden your horizons and keep trying new things. May you move forward with courage and achieve great success.