The 6th Carbon Neutrality and Climate Finance Summit was successfully held at the Macau University of Science and Technology

The 6th Carbon Neutralization and Climate Financial Summit was successfully held at Macau University of Science and Technology on May 17, 2024, with the theme of "Low Carbon Transition and High-Quality Economic Development". The summit was jointly sponsored by the Energy Finance Special Committee of the International Society for Energy Transition Study (ISETS) and the Study Society of Climate Finance of the Chinese Society of Optimization, Overall Planning and Economical Mathematics, and co-hosted by the School of Business and the Institute of Sustainable Development of the Macau University of Science and Technology. 

A group photo during the forum

Professor Pang Chuan, Vice President of Macau University of Science and Technology, delivered a welcoming speech on behalf of the university, expressing a warm welcome to all guests who have traveled from afar. Vice President Pang highlighted that Macau University of Science and Technology has always placed great emphasis on scientific research related to carbon neutrality and climate change. Climate finance, as an emerging interdisciplinary field, plays a significant role in addressing the major global challenge of climate change. He expressed a warm welcome to all guests who have traveled from afar.

Professor Pang Chuan, Vice President of Macau University of Science and Technology, delivered a welcoming speech

The chairman of the Study Society of Climate Finance, Professor Zhang Dayong at the Southwest University of Finance and Economics, gave a detailed introduction to the Energy Finance Commission of the International Society of Energy Transition Study and the Study Society of Climate Finance. The Global Climate Risk Big Data Integration Platform, and works such as "Energy Finance" and "Climate Finance", were also presented. He pointed out the future research areas and directions for climate finance.

Professor Zhang Dayong from Southwest University of Finance and Economics

Professor Sheng Ni (middle), Dean of the School of Business at the Macau University of Science and Technology, presented commemorative gifts to two guests - Professor Zhang Dayong from Southwest University of Finance and Economics (right) and Professor Ji Qiang from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (left)

The keynote report of the conference was presented by the Director of the Institute of Development Economics of Macau University of Science and Technology, Professor Francis T Lui, who shared insight into the carbon emissions situation between China and the US, the development of new energy and the global major challenges of energy transition, as well as the prospective future direction of low-carbon development.

Chair Professor Francis T Lui, the Director of the Institute of Development Economics of Macau University of Science and Technology gave a keynote report

The morning report session was chaired by Professor Sun Xiaolei from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Professor Chen Fuzhong of the University of International Business and Economics, Professor Wang Liping from Jimei University and Professor Guo Mengmeng from Southwest University of Finance and Economics showcased their latest research results on urban green economic efficiency, corporate green manufacturing and extreme weather impacts on analyst forecast behavior. 

The attendees also visited the History Museum of the Macau University of Science and Technology

The afternoon panel was convened by Associate Professor Ma Rufei from the Macau University of Science and Technology. Scholars from Xiamen University, Central University of Finance and Economics, City University of Macau, Macau University of Science and Technology, and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences shared their research on green technology innovation, the role of news and social media in predicting oil markets, hedging in the carbon market, tail risk premium in the crude oil market and the impact of China's UHV transmission line on per capita economic growth, followed by in-depth discussions.

In the closing ceremony, Professor Liu Chengkun, Director of the Institute of Sustainable Development at the Macau University of Science and Technology summed up the conference, looked forward to the future development of the discipline of climate finance, and expressed sincere thanks to the guests who had come from afar.

Professor Liu Chengkun, Director of the Institute of Sustainable Development at the Macau University of Science and Technology summed up the conference