Two Representative Teams from MSB Won the Championship and the Second Runner-up in the Final of the 4th International Supply Chain Modeling Contest

The two representative teams from MSB in Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST) achieved remarkable results in the final of the 4th International Supply Chain Modeling Contest. The "Wemust" team won the championship, and the "reducing cost and increasing efficiency" (RCIE) team won the second runner-up. The final of the contest was held from May 11th to 12th at Beijing Technology and Business University (BTBU), organized by the China Communications and Transportation Association and co-hosted by its training center and BTBU, with technical support from Beijing Logis and Cardinal Operations (Beijing) Co., Ltd. The contest’s theme was "Digitally Modeling Empowering & Cost Reduction and Efficiency Enhancement". It aimed to solve practical problems in supply chain management and decision-making for the DM Company and to assist the company in further improving its service level, operational efficiency, supply chain resilience, and risk resistance capacity.

Based on the operational data of the DM Company, the participating teams analyzed issues related to supply chain network design and inventory optimization, using supply chain modeling theory and combining big data and optimization modeling and analysis tools to solve pain points in their supply chain strategies and operations.

The contest attracted 265 teams. After intense preliminary competitions, 25 challenge teams (including MUST, National University of Singapore, and some universities of 985 projects or 211 projects), 39 elite undergraduate teams (from general universities in Mainland China), and 34 elite vocational teams advanced to the final.

In the final, the "Wemust" and "RCIE" teams from MSB performed exceptionally well. The "Wemust" team, consisting of Lai Zhuomei, Ran Haojie, Wang Zhenpeng, and Zhang Jiamin, won the championship, and the "RCIE" team, composed of Lin Renzhong, Liu Chenyu, Sun Simiao, and Wang Yuanli, won the second runner-up. Both teams received the highest awards. Furthermore, MUST won the Best Organizing University Award. In addition, Prof. Tang Huajun and Associate Prof. Li Xin, from MSB, were recognized as the Best Mentors.

Based on the DM Company's current operational status, the representative teams optimized and innovated the network structure and inventory management strategies. They used professional supply chain modeling tools, Matlab, and big data technology for joint optimization modeling and simulation, as well as visualization analysis. They provided scientifically reasonable solutions for the company, improving supply chain resilience and promoting the development of green supply chains.

Prof. Sheng Ni, Dean of MSB, stated that the school emphasizes the close connection between theoretical learning and business practice. In recent years, MSB has been dedicated to enhancing students' analytical and problem-solving abilities and has established training labs for ERP, big data, blockchain, RPA, and supply chain modeling. The dean congratulated the participating students and teachers on their excellent achievements.


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