The School of Business of M.U.S.T. successfully held Huawei campus recruitment sharing session

The School of Business of Macau University of Science and Technology has always focused on student training and creating employment and internship opportunities for students. Invited by the School of Business of M.U.S.T., the Huawei Campus Recruitment Sharing Session was held on the M.U.S.T. campus from 16:00 to 17:00 on April 12 at N316 for the first time. Huawei Marketing Director Mr. Zhang Xuefeng brought a wonderful introduction to Huawei’s corporate culture to the students.

This event was hosted by Associate Professor Li Xin, Department Head of the Decision Sciences of the School of Business of M.U.S.T., Mr. Zhang Xuefeng, Marketing Director of Huawei Group gave the lecture. Mr. Feng Jiezhi, Financial Assistant of Huawei Group, shared his experience in job hunting and joining Huawei. Ms. Zhao Songting, Project Manager of Huawei Group, was responsible for on-site recruitment. More than 150 students participated this time, and the response from the students present was very enthusiastic.

Associate Professor Li Xin, Department Head of the Decision Science, School of Business, Macau University of Science and Technology, hosted the open ceremony and introduced the guests

Mr. Zhang Xuefeng, Marketing Director of Huawei Group, delivered the speech

The students listened carefully to the recruitment briefing

Mr. Feng Jiezhi shared his experience in job hunting and joining Huawei

Q&A Section

Collection of resumes and recruitment