Renowned Economics Scholar Professor Carmen Arguedas Presented on the Seminar “Peer-to-Peer Sharing and Price Competition” at MSB of M.U.S.T.

On the afternoon of April 8, 2024, the School of Business of Macau University of Science and Technology successfully hosted a seminar in the O505. We invited renowned economics scholar Professor Carmen Arguedas to deliver a keynote lecture titled “Peer-to-Peer Sharing and Price Competition”. It aims to share the latest theoretical method to interpret the price competition between the sharing market and the primary market.

The lecture primarily focused on the interpretation of the sharing market and the fundamental difference from the primary market. In addition, Professor Arguedas introduced a theoretical model to investigate the price competition between the sharing market and the primary market. The event attracted more than 30 faculty members and students, and after the conference, many took advantage of this opportunity to engage in fruitful discussions with Professor Arguedas.

Professor Arguedas is a Full Professor at the Autonomous University of Madrid. She’s the current President of the Spanish-Portuguese Association of Natural and Environmental Resource Economists (AERNA), a council member of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), and a co-editor of Resource & Energy Economics. Her research focuses on environmental policies, sustainable practices, and behavior toward climate change with many important publications.

Vice Dean of MSB, Professor Chan (right) presented the souvenir to Professor Arguedas (left)

Professor Arguedas presented her keynote speech in MSB of M.U.S.T.

Professor Arguedas has discussed this with our colleagues

The attentive audience hangs on every word as Professor Arguedas delivers her speech