Accomplishment of the Training of the S.K.H. Macau Social Services Coordination Office Supervision and Management Team

On November 29, 2022, the training course for the supervision and management team of S.K.H Macau Social Services Coordination, undertaken by the Business School, officially started in N221 of our school (Figure 1 Training group photo). The target of this training is mainly for the core members of the management team of the organization, including the coordination director, center director and deputy director, totaled 31 administrative staffs. The full-day course is 6 hours long, with morning and afternoon classes of 3 hours each. In the morning class, Assistant Professor Lin Yingyin introduced the management concept of social service organizations, service marketing, strategy management and risk management of non-profit organizations. In the afternoon class, Assistant Professor Han Lifeng taught benchmarking analysis and results evaluation. The whole training was completed with ease and pleasure. Participants generally said that they would promote strategic management thinking in management/supervision and enhance their understanding of the changing social environment facing social services t through learning. This training is a good demonstration of the Business School's mission to serve the local and regional economic and social development, and further enhance the influence of our Business School in the community.

Established in 1997, the S.K.H. Macau Social Services Coordination Office has always

devoted itself to providing personalized care and professional services while walking hand in hand with its service users in growth, innovation and reflection. It provides many forms of assistance to those in need, in line with the Christian spirit, “to serve but not to be served”. The office now has 14 service units and 2 service projects.


Figure 1 Training group photo