MSB holds international seminars on research methods

In order to strengthen international academic exchanges and cooperation in the field of structural equation modeling and data simulation, and explore the key and cutting-edge academic issues of current structural equation modeling, the school of business held two international seminars on predictive model evaluation and comparison in PLS-SEM on April 27, 2022. The event was jointly organized by the MSB, the University Babes-Boyai, the Hamburg University of Technology and LMU Munich. The two seminars are side meetings of the 2022 International Conference on partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS2022).

The seminar attracted more than 1000 researchers from over 100 countries or regions to register and explore the latest developments in data analysis and business research. The main speakers of the seminar were: Dr. Nicholas P. Danks,Trinity College, and Dr. Benjamin Liengaard, Aarhus University.

This event contained three main parts: 1) a general introduction to prediction and predictive analyses in PLS-SEM (Hair et al., 2021). 2) Guidelines to estimating and evaluating overfit at the construct level and identifying possible sources of overfitting (Danks et al., 2021). 3) A set of out-of-sample prediction tests that compares a given PLS-SEM model to either a naïve benchmark model or linear benchmark model (Sharma et al. 2020).On completion of this event, participants obtained a general understanding of predictive evaluations in PLS-SEM and were on par with some of the newest techniques within this area.

During the course, MSB teachers and students had in-depth exchanges with experts and scholars at home and abroad and discussed issues in common areas, which laid a foundation for further scientific research cooperation and academic exchanges.