2020/2021 MSB School Advisory Committee Meeting

The 2020/2021 MSB School Advisory Committee Meeting was held online on December 29th, 2021. The Attendees included: Mr. Paulo Tse, who is the Executive Director of Macao Chamber of Commerce; Mr. Raymond Bao, who is the Partner in charge of EY Accounting Firm (Macau); Mr. Chang Chak-Io, Jack, who is Vice Chairman, Executive Board, of the Macau Economic Association; Dr. Toa Charm, who is the Chairman of OpenCertHub Limited and also the Associate Professor of CUHK Business School; Mr. Ieong Chi-Kuong, who is the Banking Business Director of Bank of China (Macau Branch); Dr. Maurice WF Ngai, who is the former President of the Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries; Mr. Sam Tou, who is the Executive Director of Banco Nacional Ultramarino ( BNU ); Mr. Wen Dexin, who is the Assistant to CEO cum General Manager of Corporate Quality; and Mr. Zhang Haipeng, who is the Vice President of the Macau Chinese Enterprises Association.

The meeting was hosted by Mr. Paulo Tse. Chair Professor So Jacky Yuk Chow, Dean of MSB, introduced to the members the adjustment of the school’s teaching model after the outbreak of Covid-19, the application of AACSB Accreditation and the progress of the Institution Accreditation. In addition, he also introduced the new establishment of the Macao Institute of Fintech Innovation. Professor Sheng Ni, Executive Vice Dean of MSB, reported to the members the MSB annual report of the previous year, including research and teaching activities, faculty and student achievements, graduate follow-up survey, and also introduced MSB’s planning for the teaching, research and teaching team’s building in the next year. Associate Professor Zhang Jinghua, Assistant Dean of MSB, reported the progress of the school’s AACSB Accreditation. All the members actively shared their opinions during the meeting and contributed many valuable suggestions on the development of MSB. Finally, Dean So expressed his gratitude to all the members for their supports and suggestions to the school. Chairman Tse also expressed that in the coming year, he would like to continue to cooperate with the members from different industries, to support the future planning and development of MSB.