MSB hosted workshop: Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Mediation

Participants take active discussions

On October 27, 2021, the business school held an academic workshop: performing state of the art mediation, modeling, and conditional mediation analysis in partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). The workshop attracted more than 1500 scholars from more than 120 countries and regions to register.

The workshop has four sessions: research status, intermediary analysis and effect, regulatory analysis and group comparison, regulatory intermediary and group comparison. For the four topics, Dr. Christian nitzl (University of the German military forces Munich), Professor Jos é L. rod á n (Universidad de Sevilla), Professor Gabriel a. Cepeda carri ó n (Universidad de Sevilla) and Dr. Cheah Jun Hwa (University Putra Malaysia) were invited as keynote speakers. The event was also supported by Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Hamburg University of technology and Munich University.

The workshop is one of the side meetings of the 2022 International Conference on partial least squares structural equation modeling (pls2022). During the preparation of pls2022 conference, the organizing committee will hold an online workshop every quarter to promote the conference and academic exchange. The three online workshops currently open have all completed registration in a very short time. Among them, the videos recorded in the first two workshops also attracted nearly 20000 views after the meeting. These activities have achieved good academic exchange results. PLS-SEM was listed as a research hotspot by Web of Science in 2017 and 2019. With the rapid development of this field, researchers need to communicate the research status and progress in time. This workshop provides a good learning and exchange platform and helps to enhance the reputation of MUST.