Ride the wind and smash the wave, Hoist the sail and set to go - 2020/2021 School of Business Student Orientation

In the 2020/2021 academic year, the School of Business has approximately 1,500 freshmen which includes 700 undergraduates and 800 postgraduate students. At 15:00 on September 25, School of Business Student Orientation was held in Block R of the University. Due to the epidemic, the School has arranged limited seats and there were approximately 350 teachers and students attended the event. For those who could not attend the event, they could watch the video.

On behalf of the School of Business, the Dean of MSB, Chair Professor SO JACKY YUK CHOW, extended a warm welcome and sincere congratulations to all the freshmen of 2020. Dean So shared his experience with freshmen and encouraged them to keep learning and make progress. He stressed the importance of financial technology, which can promote better communication and education in this developing society. In addition, Dean So hopes that students will not only learn professional knowledge and professional skills, but also understand and practice the culture and spirit of the University to jointly create a more energetic MSB.

The Assistant Dean of MSB, Associate Professor Zhang Jinghua introduced all the undergraduate and postgraduate programs and the faculty team. The School of Business is a young and energetic school established in 2000. It is one of the four colleges at the beginning of the establishment of Macau University of Science and Technology and is currently the largest college in the university. MSB has nearly 4,000 students, including nearly 2,600 undergraduate students, nearly 1,500 postgraduate students and 200 doctoral students.

The Assistant Professor Bu Huimei, as a teacher representative and a senior, gave a warmly welcome to the freshmen. She also gave a vivid lesson to the students in simple terms with the concept of marketing, encouraging them to explore themselves and find their own position.

Li Qiaoqi, the student representative of the Master of Management Program in MSB, put forward some suggestions to the freshmen based on her experience in the past. She hopes that students could adapt to the role transition from high school to university as soon as possible, plan their study and life well, and more importantly, cultivate their social skills and leadership.

Finally, an award ceremony for the students who won the Dean’s Honor List in 2019/2020 academic year was held.  Dean So presented the awards to students and encouraged them to have continuing efforts.

Student Orientation was successfully concluded.