MUST Students Won the NATIONAL TOP PRIZE in “The 9th Social Science Award Marketing Contest of University”

The national final of “The 9th Social Science Award Marketing Contest of University” was held in Hangzhou during May 25th – 26th, 2018. Team “MUSTer”, led by business school assistant professor Bu Huimei, team members Tu Jingcheng, Zhang Qianwen, Chen Yifei, Ye Zhenhua, stood out from 1200 teams and eventually became the winning team of the final contest. The team was also invited by the organizing committee to attend the Contest to be held in the United State in 2019. In addition to this, MUST had received the “MARKETING PRACTICE TEACHING DEMOSTRATION AWARD” and the “BEST TEAM DEMOSTRAION AWARD”. Students Tu Jingcheng, representing all the excellent students, made a speech at the award ceremony.

Team MUSTer on the winner’s platform
From left to right: Ye Zhenhua, Zhang Qianwen, Bu Huimei, Chen Yifei, Tu Jingcheng

The Social Science Award Marketing Contest of University was directed by National Academy of Economic Strategy, CASS, organized by Chinese Association of Market Development. Famous for professional evaluation and high level of reputation within the society, the contest has already attracted more than 120,000 people to attend in the competition until this year.

Team MUSTer have fully adapted theories they have learned into practice. As a result, they are highly praised for their in-depth marketing analysis and specific product positioning. After preparing for over half year, all the efforts paid off. Team MUSTer not only showed the strength of MUST students, but also the positive spirits.

Team MUSTer took group photos outside the auditorium