The Enactus of Macau University of Science and Technology Won the Enactus Hong Kong Regional Competition 2018

Enactus Hong Kong Regional Competition 2018 was held on March 24 in the Open University of Hong Kong. Participants are six teams from the universities of Hong Kong and Macau, including the University of Hong Kong, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Baptist University, the Open University of Hong Kong, and Macau University of Science and Technology, and eventually Enactus of Macau University of Science and Technology won the first prize.

Attaining this qualification, our team will participate in Enactus China National Competition 2018 in Shanghai from May 17 to 18, and the winner of the national competition will be entitled to represent Enactus China to join in Enactus World Cup 2018 in Silicon Valley, California. Besides, our team also won the Best Multi-Cultural Team Award and the Best Entrepreneurial Spirits Team Award, and the Best Faculty Advisor was awarded to Professor Wenchi Zou.

Enactus aims to encourage a community of student, academic and business leaders committed to using the power of entrepreneurial action to transform lives and shape a better more sustainable world. Enactus of Macau University of Science and Technology brought a project named Rebirth as its entry this year, striving to help local drug abstainers reintegrate into society through assisting them to create a brand and look for jobs.

Founded in 2014, Enactus of Macau University of Science and Technology became the first Enactus team in Macau and a member of Enactus China - Guangdong and Macau Region. Guided by Professor Jianrong Sun, Wenchi Zou and Honghao Zhao, our team has already gained the Best New Team in 2014, the third prize in Hong Kong Regional Competition in 2017 and the first prize in Hong Kong Regional Competition this year. We sincerely hope Enactus of Macau University of Science and Technology will achieve greater success in the future.