MUST scholar’s paper was published in UT-Dallas list Journals and won the Responsible Research Award from IACMR

International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) recently granted an award on a newly released paper by Assistant Professor, Dr. Di Fan, from Department of Decision Sciences, School of Business, Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST). The paper, entitled “Environmental Incidents and the Market Value of Firms: An Empirical Investigation in the Chinese Context”, was recently accepted by Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM). This is a top-tier business journal listed in the UT-Dallas 24 journals. IACMR considered this paper produced knowledge that directly beneficial to businesses and society, and from a robust research design.

This paper was co-authored with Dr. Chris Lo, Mr. Yi Zhou and Prof. Andy Yeung from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and Prof. Christopher Tang from UCLA. The research team examined the stock market reaction to 618 environmental incidents in 294 Chinese listed manufacturers from 2006 to 2013. Through an event study analysis, the research team captured the evidence that environmental incidents can lead to significant negative stock market reactions to the manufacturers and their overseas customers. The finding of this paper was reported and quoted by various presses including UCLA Anderson Review and INFORMS newsletter. Dr. Di Fan believed that these findings have essential implications for the Chinese government, manufacturers and overseas customers to build a greener global supply chain.

Dr. Di Fan’s research foci have been sustainable operations and corporate social responsibility. A related paper, entitled “The differing impacts of operational and financial slack on occupational safety in varying market conditions” was published in Journal of Operations Management in 2017. Journal of Operations Management is also an UT-Dallas list journal, it’s latest 5-year impact factor is 8.618, ranking 1st among 83 journals in the field of Operations Research & Management Science.