MUST Business Students Won the First Prize for "The 2nd Cross-Strait Youth Tourism Scholar & Graduate Forum"

The "2nd Cross-Strait Youth Tourism Scholar & Graduate Forum" hosted by Huaqiao University was held on December 20-22, 2017 at the Huaqiao University Quanzhou Campus. To keep up on the frontier situation of tourism academic development, this forum focused on "knowledge sharing and cross-border integration", the development of tourism resources and scenic spot management under the theme of "tourism security and risk management under the background of internet + "" culture, tourism, health, pension and other leisure and service management, " wisdom tourism and tourism information management", "global tourism" and other related topics to carry out thematic reports and group discussions. There were more than 20 experts from National Taiwan Normal University, National Chi Nan University, Macau University of Science and Technology, Sun Yat-sen University, Zhejiang University, Hunan Normal University, Yunnan University, Beijing Forestry University, Soochow University, Beijing International Studies University Scholars, and the corresponding postgraduate students attended.

A total of more than 100 academic papers were received in this forum. After anonymous review by the expert committee, 44 papers were invited to share their reports in the group discussion sessions. Finally, the thesis "Residents' Negative Attitudes Against Sustainable Tourism: An Adverse Impact and Serious Level Analysis" by Wu Zilin (2015 Ph.D. candidate) under coaching of Dr. Tang Huajun (Head of Department of Decision Sciences) won the unique first prize. In addition, 3 papers and 4 another papers were awarded Prize 2 and Prize 3, respectively.