The MSB Advisory Board Meeting of 2017/2018 Academic Year

The 1st meeting of MSB Advisory Board (BAB) of 2017/2018 academic year was held on Campus on 28thNovember, 2017. Members who attended the meeting were: Mr. Paulo Tse, Executive Director, Macau Association of Commerce, Dr. Victor Lee, Executive Director, The Hong Kong Management Association, Mr. Raymond Bao, Partner in charge, EY accounting Firm (Macau), Mr. Kenny Le, Standing Vice President, Macau Youth Entrepreneur Association, Mr. Zhang Haipeng, Vice President, The Macau Chinese Enterprises Association, Mr. Yang, Yunzhong, President, Macao Economics Association, Mr. Dexin Wen, Assistant to CEO and General Manager of Corporate Quality, Macau Airline Group, and Dr Maurice WF Ngai, the Former President, The Hong Kong Institute of Charted Secretaries.

Professor Lin Zhijun, Dean of School of Business, reported the work in the past academic year, the progress of AACSB accreditation and the future development planning under the new Higher Education Law of Macau. The discussion covered not only the issue of responding to the actual needs of local business community but also the reappointment of MSB Advisory Board members. BAB external members attended the meeting have actively provided valuable advices and suggestions on MSB strategic development. Professor Lin expressed thanks to all BAB members for their continuing support facilitate the future planning of the School development.