MSB and Hamburg University of Technology of Germany Sign a Cooperation Agreement

On June 19th 2017, the signing ceremony of cooperation agreement between School of Business, Macau University of Science and Technology and School of Management Science and Technology, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany was held at A201, MUST campus. Attendees include Prof. Lin Zhijun, Associate Vice President and Dean of MSB of MUST, Prof. Christian M. Ringle, the Vice President (Executive Director of International Affairs) of Hamburg University of Technology, Prof. Sheng Ni, Assistant Dean of MSB, Ms. Lo Sut Ieng, Faculty Secretary of MSB, Associate Professors Dr. Liu Chengkun and Dr. Liu Yide, and Prof. Y.C. Chiang, Feng Chia University (AACSB mentor).

Prof. Lin Zhijun introduced the structure and recent development of MSB. Prof. Christian M. Ringle said that the cooperation between these two schools would be a chance to change the talent training mode. Both sides anticipate that MUST and TUHH would complement each other with their different resources in order to boost mutual development, extend their international influence, and cultivate more talents.

The Hamburg University of Technology (i.e., Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, abbreviated TUHH) is one of the youngest universities in Germany as well as among those who have achieved popularity in a short time.

Dean Lin Zhijun and Professor Ringle and other attendees at the Signing Ceremony