Students of MUST Win the Second Prize and the Best Contestant Prize in the National Final Competition of the “KPMG” 14th Corporate Culture Case Analysis Competition

The team Visionary consisting of students in Macao University of Science and Technology participated in the national final competition of the 14th Corporate Culture Case Analysis Competition in 22, April. After the fierce competition with all the other elite teams of other prestigious universities, Visionary overcomes all the difficulties and wins the Second Prize and the Best Contestant Prize finally.

The MUST team Visionary is guided by Associate professor ZOU WENCHI of business college. Team members are LIU YALIN, CAI CHENXUAN, LI XIAOJUN, CHEN TIANTIAN, WU CHENGZHI and CHEN YUEYING (from left to right based on the photo). Meanwhile LI XIAOJUN wins the Best Contestant Prize thanks to her outstanding performance.

The MUST team Visionary won the First Prize in Macao in the final competition of Macao in March, thus getting the opportunity to participate in the national final competition. Besides, another team consisting of MUST students named “Hot Pot Beauty” won the Second Prize in Macao.

As a popular competition among university students in China, “KPMG” Corporate Culture Case Analysis Competition has the obvious characteristic of combining academics and management practice. It contributes to cultivating future business elites with sense of social responsibility, genius awareness, innovation ability and teamwork. The competition has been held 14 times, one time each year. The competition involves many prestigious universities in the whole country, receiving abroad attention and reputation from the whole society. Teams participated in the 14th national final competition are from 13 elite universities, such as Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Renmin University of China, University of Science and Technology of China, Sun Yat-Sen University and Xiamen University, etc. Each university selects one excellent team inside the university and then these teams represent their universities to participate in the national final competition.