Associate Professor Samir Trabelsi at Broke University, Canada Visited School of Business MUST and Gave a presentation about “Market Reaction to XBRL Filing”

Invited by School of Business MUST, Associate Prof. Samir Trabelsi at the Brock University of Canada visited School of Business at MUST on February 23, 2017. Prof. Trabelsi gave an academic presentation about “Market Reaction to XBRL Filing” at Room N219. About one hundred students and Faculties participated this activity. This presentation helped students to touch the newest research topic about XBRL. Prof. Trabelsi not only shared his ideas about how to take the research, but also patiently answered all questions from students. His speech enabled students and faculties to understand much more about the knowledge in this field. This activity is the first time of academic communication between accounting students and faculties of MUST, and professor of Canada, which significantly push accounting international academic communication of our University.

Dr. Samir Trabelsi is an Associate Professor of Accounting at Brock University and the Founding Director of the CPA Ontario Research Excellence Centre. His research focuses on Voluntary Disclosure, Corporate Governance, Earning Conservatism, Risk Management, and eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL). Prof. Trabelsi is on the editorial board of the International Journal of Accounting and the Journal of Theoretical Accounting Research.