MSB Students Win Prizes in “2016 Macau Economic Paper Competition”

Students from School of Business, Macau University of Science and Technology, recently won three prizes in “2016 Macau Economics Paper Competition”. Macau Economics Association has organized this competition for six consecutive years. The Award Ceremony was held in Macau on Dec. 17. Supervised by assistant professor Lin Yongjia, students of Yang Xin and Shi Xuanyi won the second prize in the open group; supervised by assistant professor Chu Shunho, Xiao Yuanjun won the third prize in the student group; and supervised by assistant professor Tam Kwoping, Ivan Ngan won the excellent prize in the open group.

This paper competition not only trained the scientific research competence of students and strengthened teacher-student cooperation, but also promoted the communication between teachers, students and professionals, which has contributed to the sustainable development of Macau economy.

Winners of 2nd Prize, Shi Xuanyi (left) and Yang Xin (right)