The MSB Advisory Board meeting of 2016/2017 Academic Year

The 1st meeting ofMSB Advisory Board of 2016/2017 academic year was held in Campus on 29th November, 2016. Members who attended the meeting were: Dr. Victor Lee, Executive Director, The Hong Kong Management Association, Mr. Raymond W.M, LO, Executive Director and General manager, Macau Menzies Aviation Group Ltd., Mr. Raymond Bao, Partner in charge, EY accounting Firm (Macau), Mr. KWAN Yany Yan Chi, Vice President, Center for Macau Development Strategy, and Mr. Kenny Le, Standing Vice President, Macau Youth Entrepreneur Association.

Professor Lin Zhijun, Dean of School of Business, reported the work of the MSB in the past year and the development plans of the Faculty in teaching, scientific research, faculty development and college construction for 2016/2017 academic year. Members and representatives of the School discussed the various issues, such as the placement of MSB graduates, and the participation in the exchange programs, etc. They also proposed to increase the opportunities to share and exchange between enterprises and students.

The MSB Advisory Board has been restructured and meets regularly since 2015.MSB has gained valuable insights to further understand the needs of the local business community and the societywith the platform, which will contribute to the future planning and development of the School.