Advisory Board

List of Members of MSB Advisory Board

Macau University of Science and Technology (2024.01-2025.12)

(Names are listed in order of the number of strokes of Chinese surname)


Mr. Kevin Ho King Lun

Deputy (Macao SAR), the 13th & 14th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China

President, The Industry and Commerce Association of Macau

Director, Tai Fung Bank Limited


Mr. Raymond Bao

Vice President, Tai Fung Bank Limited

Mr. Chu Tan Neng

Executive Director, Macau International Airport Company Limited (CAM)

Mr. Sam Tou

Executive Director, Banco Nacional Ultramarino ( BNU )

Mr. Carlos Lam

CEO, Macao Young Entrepreneur Incubation Center

Mr. Zhang Jie

Senior Vice President, China State Construction International Holdings Limited

Chairman, China Construction Engineering (Macau) Company Limited

Mr. Chen Wu

Director, China Telecom (Macau) Company Limited

Mr. Chan Weng Tat

Deputy Chief Executive, Bank of China (Macau) Limited

Dr. Toa Charm

Chairman, OpenCertHub Limited

Associate Professor, CUHK Business School

Mr. Chang Chak-Io, Jack

Vice chairman, Executive Board, Macau Economic Association

Dr. Maurice WF Ngai

the Past President, The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries

Mr. Kwan Yany Yan-Chi

Vice President, Center for Macau Development Strategy